Full English Breakfast
4 Quality Pork Sausages
4 Black Pudding rounds (Optional)
8 Rashers of Smoked Bacon
4 triangles of White Bread
4 flat mushrooms
2 large vine tomatoes halves
Baked Beans
Eggs (However you like them!)
Set your BBQ on high heat.
Add sausages to the grill.
Heat up a metal handled pan on the grill with a splash of butter. Add the bread triangles then close the lid.
Add a generous knob of butter to your mushrooms and black pudding. Halve your tomatoes, seasoning with salt.
Heat up a saucepan on the side burner on medium heat and add your baked beans, leaving to simmer.
Flip your fried bread over and check. This doesn't take long so take off the heat and leave on the warming rack as soon as you are happy.
Turn your sausages and add the black pudding, mushrooms and tomatoes to the grill.
Close the lid and leave to cook for about 5 minutes.
Turn the side burner off when the beans start to bubble.
Open the lid to check your delicious grilled ingredients. The mushrooms shouldn't be far off, you're looking for a soft and slightly coloured finish.
Take off the black pudding as it starts to colour.
For scrambled egg, add 3 eggs to a saucepan with a generous knob of butter. Stir quickly and then put on the side burner on a low-medium heat.
Add your bacon rashers to the grill. Keeping a close eye on your scrambled eggs. Stirring frequently.
Your tomatoes should be finished at this point. So take them off and leave to warm on the rack.
Stir your scrambled egg, turning it up if you need. Season when cooked as this stops the eggs from discolouring.
Everything should be about ready so serve up and dig in!